3032932 Pte. Elijah Martin

Ligny-St. Flochel British Cemetery


Pas de Calais


Born in Adams Cove, New Foundland, in December 1895, Elijah signed on in Toronto in January 1918.

A resident of Chelsea, Massachusetts, and a rigger by trade, Elijah attested into the 1st Battalion, 1st Central Ontario Regiment, on January 14th, 1918.

Transferred into the 4th CMR on August 9th, 1918, one of 249 men of the 1st Battalion, 1st COR, to do so between June and November 1918.

At the time of Elijah's loss, on September 5th, 1918, the 4th CMR had, on August 24th, 1918, just returned to the front line, at Feuchy, 5km to the west of Arras. On the morning of the 24th 'B' company was subject to gas and shrapnel rounds that were to cause 116 casualties.

A planned attack on Mochy-le-Preux on the 25th was postponed to 3am on the 26th. In that subsequent attack, as Elijah and his comrades advanced on the final objective, he was struck in the chest by a bullet. He was attended to and evacuated to No.1 Casualty Clearing Station. He died 11 days later.

Pte. Elijah Martin is one of 20 men of the 4th CMR who are known to lie at rest in Ligny-St.Flochel British Cemetery, Averdoingt, France.

Please click on the headstone image to see a larger version of the picture.

Thanks go to Yvo Henniker-Heaton for the headstone image. The biography excerpt is courtesy of 4cmr.com