1066292 Private Percy Haines was born on August 18th, 1898, in Lennox, Addigton County, Ontario. Eventually moving to Grey County, George was living in Chatsworth, working as a farmer when he attested to 248th Battalion C.E.F. on April 16, 1917.
Sailing with the unit in early June of that year, the 248th Battalion was absorbed into the 8th Reserve Battalion upon its arrival in England.
Percy was taken on strength of the 4th C.M.R. in the field on December 7th, 1917, while the unit was being billeted in Equin-les-Mines, France.
Serving with the unit through the winter, Percy took part in the Battle of Amiens and then the Battle of Arras. It was during the Battle of Arras that he was wounded during a mixed artillery barrage of mustard gas and high explosive shells. Severely gassed he was medically evacuated through the system to England and consequently did not return to the unit.
Private Percy Haines was struck off strength of the Canadian Expeditionary Force on May 24th, 1919.
Credit and many thanks go George Auer for the above biography.